Explore Westport's Harbor with Captain Ron Hongell
All day sports fishing trips may not be for everyone, but a harbor tour is an enjoyable experience even for the youngest members of the family. Captain Ron Hongell is an expert at navigating Westport's waterways, but he's also become a knowledgeable history buff, wildlife expert, and storyteller during his six decades on the sea. With a wealth of life experiences - charter fishing in Westport, surfing in Hawaii, ferry operator at McNeill Island, serving in the Coast Guard Reserves, and commercial fishing in Alaska, among others - Captain Hongell has more stories than a two-hour cruise can deliver.
Whale watching tours have existed in Westport since the 1980s, and Ron was hooked from the start. He fondly remembers Harbor Charters tours with Don Samuelson, who also directed the Fisheries and Wildlife program at Grays Harbor College. Ron even got to work on several tours with a whale acoustics expert on board. "Back then, I learned a ton about Gray whales and so much about the environment around me. Later, I went on to do tours in Alaska, and people just really loved them."
Captain Ron Hongell and his boat The Good Life
Ron’s tour takes place on his boat The Good Life off Float 14 at the Westport Marina. While there's no guarantee of spotting whales, the best months to see them are April, May, and June. He starts the cruise by talking about the different types of boats in the marina and the the importance of fishing to Westport’s economy. He cruises by the Coast Guard station, shares a story or two about his 26 years of service, and he points out shorebirds and sea lions along the way. If he goes up the Elk River Ron talks about the old whaling station, or if he heads out to the bar (he doesn’t cross it) he’ll tell stories about the SS Catala, which went from being an Ocean Shores boat hotel to a shipwreck at Damon Point. “The kids love the sea lions,” says Ron. “ They bark and bark and its really the safest way to see an 850 pound sea lion up close. It’s a high point for the kids.”
Like most men that have spent their life on the sea Captain Hongell has more than one fish story to tell. Perhaps the most notable is what happened back in 1971. Ron was skippering with Harbor Charters, and while out sport fishing one day, a 7’3” salmon shark jumped right into the boat. It thrashed wildly startling passengers and crew. Eventually it died on the boat and they brought it back to shore. Everyone was pretty shaken up, one deckhand even ended his career that day. “Well, here's how scary it was,” says Ron. “My deckhand had been with me for about a week, he was only about 15 years old. After that incident happened, his mother never let him go fishing again! I had to get another deckhand. That boy was Doug Merino. He went on to be a state patrolman and also served as Mayor of Westport.”
Captain Ron Hongell with his wife, child, and 7’3” salmon shark that jumped in the back of the boat in 1971.
If you’re interested in a cruise around the harbor and some of the great stories Captain Ron Hongell has to tell you can book a tour with Ocean Sportfishing Charters. Six passengers are the maximum (4 is the minimum) and folks usually book as a group for $400, but individuals can also book if there is room for $67. There is no age limit for passengers and guests are invited to bring a lunch on board as the tour lasts from about 11am- 2pm. Custom trips can also be arranged. Just call the office and talk to Bethany.
Ron admits he enjoys the tours so much he occasionally loses track of time when the group is engaged and the birds and whales are abundant. Just like the name of his boat, Captain Ron enjoys sharing the good life. “There's not a day that goes by that I don't feel fortunate for what I do. I mean, I've had a job that I like to do all my life.”